Cork Medical’s Nisus Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Cleanse Therapy Kit is designed to work in conjunction with the Nisus portfolio. While the NPWT system provides gentle yet powerful suction to treat and promote wound healing in even the most complex of wounds, the Cleanse Therapy kit will simultaneously help to irrigate the wound allowing for the wound healing process to be shortened and maintaining the patient’s mobility.
But most physicians struggle with the application process and how to effectively achieve optimal healing results. Cork Medical’s clinical specialist Renee Eckhardt provides valuable tips and tricks on how to effectively setup and use Cork Medical revolutionary Cleanse Therapy Kit. Check out the video below to discover how to wield Cork Medical's revolutionary cleanse therapy kit then reach out to our team at 866-551-2580 or info@corkedical.com for any additional comments or questions.
Key takeaways when using Cleanse Therapy:
Cleanse therapy aids and promotes wound healing by removing excess exudates, infectious material, and tissue debris
This treatment is typically used when wounds are critically colonized or infected
The average run time for cleanse therapy is typically 7-14 days
Cork Medical’s Cleanse Therapy Kit Features:
The port pad supports a double lumen to easily apply solution with the bolus syringe
The bolus syringe can hold up to 60ml
Normal saline, antimicrobial, and antibiotic fluids are safe to use with the cleanse kit