Rehab Industries rang in the new year with its inaugural Annual Conference to highlight a successful 2020, recognize individual successes, and gear up for an even better 2021. While employees were unable to gather in person, a virtual event connected all companies and delivered the same fun and energetic atmosphere as in-person assemblies.
The ceremony kicked off with opening remarks from Rehab Industries CEO, Patrick McGinley, followed by year end reviews and new outlooks for future success from Rehab Medical President Kevin Gearheart and Cork Medical President Matt Effinger.
Employees then participated in virtual breakout sessions hosted by Rehab Industries esteemed partners and peers, where employees received expert knowledge of industry changes and innovations to keep their skill sets sharp and better improve patient lives.
In the words of the infamous Mike Tyson “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” and that is exactly what happened to Rehab Industries in 2020. Without a doubt there were numerous challenges that came with navigating a global pandemic that prevented front line workers from interacting with patients, but through steadfast leadership and a commitment to improving lives, frontline workers persevered to make 2020 one of the highest performing years in company history.
Zack Pasley of Rehab Medical and Peggy Roederer of Cork Medical were recognized with the highest honors as they were the top two sales reps of the year for their respective companies. Additionally, there were several sales reps that made the top 15% of sales revenue for the first time and will be joining veteran winners at the President’s Club retreat this year. See the full list of winners below and be sure to send them congratulatory remarks.

The Operations team also achieved a record-breaking year by increasing their technician compliments from a 2019 high of four employee positive reviews to 30 positive reviews for this year’s winners alone, the highest compliments received in company history. Congratulations to Cameron Tunstill, Michele Johnson, and Roderick Loyal for putting the needs of the patients first. For the complete list of all Operations Awards winners please see below.
All Operations Winners
Top Technician Stops
Rehab Medical:
Domingo Galigo
Frank Williams
Eddie Wade
Cork Medical:
Kerry Kyrola
Deandre Johnson
Albert Anderson
Top Technician
Cork Medical:
Deandre Johnson
Top Technician Compliments
Rehab Medical:
Cameron Tunstill
Michele Johnson
Roderick Loyal
Top Scheduler
Cork Medical:
Brian Evans
Top Technician Olympics
Rehab Medical:
Tim Bondie
Art Gonzalez
Frank Williams
Top Office Assistants (Best Reverse Quality)
Rehab Medical:
Chasline Lawson
Kandice Ison
Latrina Lanier
Top Area Manager (Top Metric Achievement)
Rehab Medical:
Mark Herman
LaWanda Morris
Cork Medical:
Shawn Shumate
Top Office Manager (Top Metric Achievement)
Rehab Medical:
Thomas Griffin
Top Customer Service Representative (Reverse Quality)
Rehab Medical:
Chelsey Nichols
Naphatia Edwards
Wanda Richardson
Employees who best embodied the Rehab Industries core values: hard work with balance, energetic to achieve, and compassionate were awarded the Excellence Award. Congratulations to Kevin Penn, Roderick Loyal, Donald Moore, and Toni Alonzo. Throughout the tumultuous circumstances in 2020, you continued to embody these core values and demonstrated a firm commitment to improving and positively impacting the lives of patients.
Last but certainly not least were the coveted Top Office Awards and the Amazing Race team winners. Congratulations to these offices for upholding the highest level of customer service and ensuring the needs of your patients are met. Additionally, congratulations to all Amazing Race team winners. This year was truly a year of perseverance and these teams managed to preserve through all challenges and came out on top.
Congratulations to all the award winners of 2020. Thank you for continuing to have a positive attitude, demonstrate compassion, a commitment to improving lives, and dedication to building a strong team-oriented foundation.